Juggle Dream Solo Club x 3 - Reytt/Silvur/Blátt
Írokna MVG
"Juggle dream solo club" er vælegna sum byrjunarsett, men eisini til tann meira roynda.
Eitt flott sett! 1 blá, 1 reyð og 1 silvur-litt.
Tilhoyrandi tekstur á enskum:
The Solo Club is a single piece club made from an injection moulded high impact plastic. This set of 3 is suitable for beginners and juggles well for a one-piece club.
These clubs are decorated in a jazzy metallic "Euro" styling which looks excellent.
These are great value clubs and would make a fantastic gift for anyone who would want to start club juggling. The round handle knobs are also suitable for club swinging!
They are sold as a set of three.
Length - 49.5cm
Weight - 202g
Colour - 1 Blue, 1 Red, and 1 Silver.
Vørunummar: JC-JD-SOLO-3